Sustainability Pledge Summit of the ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA)

El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

20 to 22 March 2025


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20 March 2025 (Thursday)
Time Agenda
06:30 am
10:00 am
  • Arrival at El Nido Lio Airport from Manila International Airport
  • Travel from El Nido Lio Airport to Seda Lio Hotel
  • Registration at Seda Lio Hotel
Seda Lio Hotel
- El Nido Day Tour
  • Call time at Seda Lio Hotel and General Briefing
  • Travel to Big Lagoon
  • Kayaking Activities
  • Flora and Fauna Spotting
  • Travel to Entalula Island
  • Lunch
  • Travel to Shimizu/ Pinaglugaban Islang
  • Snorkeling Activities (optional)
  • Travel to Snake Island
  • Hiking, Mangrove Visit and Swimming
  • Travel to Paradise Beach
  • Sunset Viewing
  • Return to Seda Lia Hotel
Accredited Tour Provider and Tour-Joiners

21 March 2025 (Friday)
Time Agenda
Breakfast Misto Restaurant,
Seda Lio Hotel
09:00am to 09:30am - Registration
- Preliminaries
  • Invocation
  • Philippine National Anthem
  • ASSA Anthem
Narra Conference Room c/o GSIS/ASSAPh Secretariat
09:30am to 09:45am Welcome Remarks Jose Arnulfo “Wick”
A. Veloso
ASSA Chairman
President General Manager
09:45am to 10:15am Keynote Address and Palawan’s Sustainability Efforts Jose “Pepito” C. Alvarez
Palawan 2nd District
10:15am to 10:30am Group Photo Session c/o GSIS/ASSAPh Secretariat
10:30am to 11:00am Presentation 1: Employees Compensation Commission (ECC) and the Future of Workers Rehabilitation Atty. E. Patrice Jamaine T. Barron Employees Compensation Commission
12:00pm to 01:00pm Lunch/Networking Opportunities
01:00pm to 01:30pm - Registration for Afternoon Session Narra Conference Room c/o GSIS/ASSAPh Secretariat
01:30pm to 02:30pm Presentation 2: PhilHealth’s Rise30 Mission Dr. Edwin M. Mercado President and Chief Executive Office, PhilHealth
01:30pm to 02:30pm Presentation 3: Social Security System
02:30pm to 03:00pm - Afternoon Break/Snacks Narra Conference Room
03:00pm to 04:00pm Presentation 4: ASSA Calendar of Activities Atty. Joseph Philip
T. Andres
ASSA Secretary General
GSIS Senior Vice President
04:00pm to 05:00pm - ASSA Sustainability Pledge Signing Ceremony
- Group Photo Session
ASSA Member Institutions
05:00pm to 05:15pm Closing Remarks
05:15pm to 06:30pm Reception/Refreshment Break Seda Lio Hotel
06:30pm to 10:00pm - Dinner
- Fellowship Night
Seda Lio Hotel Beachfront

22 March 2025 (Saturday)
Time Agenda
06:30am to 10:00am Breakfast Misto Restaurant, Seda Lio Hotel
09:00am to 12:00pm - Room check-out from Seda Lio Hotel
- Travel from Seda Lio Hotel to El Nido Lio Airport
- Flight from El Nido Lio Airport to Manila International Airport
Seda Lio Hotel


ASSA Recognition Awards 2024

Pag-IBIG Fund Philippines_Elevating the Customer Service Experience for 16 Million Filipino Workers

SSO Thailand_SSO_s Proactive Healthcare Initiatives

LSSO Lao PDR_Modernising Social Security Registration and Payment Through Digital Solutions

NSAF Cambodia_Pension Fund System (PFS) – A Digital Solution for Civil Servants and Veterans Pension Fund

PERKESO Malaysia_Rehab Navigator App

CPFB Singapore_Phy-gital CPF Service Centres – Bridging the Digital Divide

EPF Malaysia_Account Restructuring – Leveraging Behavioural Insights to Enhance Long-Term Savings

GSIS Philippines Ginhawa for All Lease With Option to Buy (GFAL LWOB) Housing Program

NHSO Thailand_Driving Excellence and Transforming Universal Health Coverage in Thailand Through Local Medical Innovations

SSS Philippines SSS e-Wheels Program

NSSF Cambodia Extension of Social Security Schemes on Occupational Risk and Health Care to Persons in Public Sector

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Indonesia Sharia Services and Principles in the Implementation of Employment Social Security

KWAP Malaysia_Empowering Malaysian Startups Through Dana Perintis  (Pioneer Fund)

SSB Myanmar Advancing Medical Care and Social Security for Insured Persons Through Public-Private Partnerships

VSS Viet Nam Strengthening Compliance With SI, UI, and HI Laws Through Enhanced Inspection


ASSA Recognition Awards 2023

Brunei Darussalam ETF Empowering Retirement Planning for the Silver Generation

Cambodia NSAF Social Protection for All Stages of Life – The Cambodia Family Package’s Innovative Approach

Cambodia NSSF Voluntary Health Care Scheme for the Self-employed and the Dependents

Indonesia BPJS Kesehatan Assessment of Informal Workers’ Compliance with The National Health Insurance Contribution Payment

Indonesia BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Kerja Keras Bebas Cemas – A Grand Communication Campaign

Malaysia EPF Belanjawanku App

Malaysia KWAP TESSA – Automating Pension Services

Malaysia PERKESO Disability Management Rating System – Traffic Light Classification System

Myanmar SSB Extension of Social Security Coverage in Myanmar

Philippines ECC PAGBANGON (The Rise)

Philippines GSIS – GSIS Diwa

Philippines Pag-IBIG Fund The Lingkod PAG-IBIG on Wheels (LPOW)

Philippines PhilHealth Integrated Accounts Information Management System (IAIMS)

Philippines SSS E-center Sa Barangay

Singapore CPFB Proactive Help for Citizens with Caregiving Needs

Thailand NHSO Innovation, improve convenience and increase healthcare access

Thailand SSO The Development of Medical Services for Elevating the Well-being of the SSO’s Insured Persons

Viet Nam VSS Restructuring the operational processes to meet the requirements for administrative procedures settlement


Innovation Recognition Award

Ginhawa for All – Lease with Option to Buy (GFAL LWOB) Housing Program

Jose Arnulfo A. Veloso


Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)


Innovation Recognition Award

Employees Provident Fund Account Restructuring: Leveraging Behavioural Insights to Enhance Long-Term Savings

Balqais Yusoff

Department Head

Employees Provident Fund (EPF)


Innovation Recognition Award

SSS e-Wheels Program

Elvira Resare


Social Security System (SSS)


Innovation Recognition Award

Phy-gital@CPF Service Centres: Bridging the Digital Divide

Melissa Khoo


Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB)


Innovation Recognition Award

Driving Excellence and Transforming Universal Health Coverage in Thailand Through Local Medical Innovations

Waraporn Suwanwela

Deputy Secretary-General

National Health Security Office (NHSO)


Insurance Coverage Recognition Award

Extension of Social Security Schemes on Occupational Risk and Health Care to Persons in Public Sector

Meng Hong

Deputy Director

National Social Security Fund (NSSF)


Investment Governance Recognition Award

Sharia Services and Principles in the Implementation of Employment Social Security

Kuncoro Budi Winarno

Deputy Director

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan


Investment Governance Recognition Award

Empowering Malaysian Startups Through ‘Dana Perintis’ (Pioneer Fund)

Zarina Halim

Chief Retirement Services Officer

Retirement Fund (Incorporated) (KWAP)


Transformation Recognition Award

Strengthening Compliance With Social Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, and Health Insurance Laws Through Enhanced Inspection,

Le Hung Son

Dep. Dir. General

Viet Nam Social Security (VSS)


Information Technology Recognition Award

Modernising Social Security Registration and Payment Through Digital Solutions

Bouahome Phommachane

Dep. Dir. General

Lao Social Security Organisation (LSSO)


Information Technology Recognition Award

Rehab Navigator App
Edmund Cheong Peck Huang
Deputy CEO
Social Security Organisation (PERKESO)
Information Technology Recognition Award
A Digital Solution for
Civil Servants and Veterans

Khem Sam Ath

Deputy Director General NSAF

Social Security Organisation (PERKESO)

Customer Service Recognition Award

SSO’s Proactive Healthcare Initiatives

Niyada Seneemanomai


Social Security Office (SSO)


Customer Service Recognition Award

 Elevating the Customer Service Experience for 16 Million Filipino Workers: The Pag-IBIG Fund Member Relations Department

Marilene C. Acosta


Home Development Mutual Fund


Continuous Improvement Recognition Award

Benefits Development Planning Protocol

Emmanuel R. Ledesma, Jr.


Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth)


Continuous Improvement Recognition Award
Introduction of Administrator Nomination Feature Under Skim Persaraan Kebangsaan (SPK) or National Retirement Scheme

Haji Md Adfarul Haji Maz Adanan

Employee Trust Fund (ETF)

Brunei Darussalam

Continuous Improvement Recognition Award
Return-to-Work Assistance Program (RTWAP)
Atty. Kaima Via B. Velasquez

Executive Director

Employees’ CompensationCommission (ECC)


Continuous Improvement Recognition Award
JELITA: The Participant Recruitment and Reactivation Service Program
David Bangu
Director of Membership

BPJS Kesehatan


ASSA summit tackles need for portability, innovation in social security

MANILA, Philippines – Southeast Asia’s social security leaders are urged to formulate a regional framework that would integrate systems, allowing people to move from one country to another with their social security benefits intact.

Speaking at the Philippine-hosted 41st ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) Conference, Board, and Secretariat Meetings on Monday, Malaysia’s social security agency PERKESO Deputy Chief Executive Officer Edmund Cheong Peck Huang said the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) should “lead the world in social protection that transcends borders”.

“We live in a world that is more connected than ever, and with Southeast Asia becoming increasingly mobile, millions of our workers are crossing borders to pursue better opportunities,” he said.

“As they move, they deserve to know that their social security benefits move with them— it’s time we seriously consider in ASSA the portability of social security benefits,” he added.

Delivering his presentation titled Navigating the Future of Social Security, he emphasized the need for social security institutions to future-proof their systems— one that is resilient and capable of absorbing shocks.

“Our world is changing fast. From economic disruptions, health crisis to climate shocks, the question is not if we face these challenges again, but when,” he said.

“Our social security systems must be resilient and adaptable, capable of absorbing shocks and empowering recovery,” he added.

The ASEAN Declaration on Portability of Social Security Benefits for Migrant Workers in ASEAN was adopted in November 2022 at the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

It is the ability of social security benefits to be transferred to and accessed by the migrant workers upon return to their home countries, ensuring that monetary contributions they and their employers paid will not be lost nor forfeited.

Meanwhile, he commended various digital innovations and inclusive social protection initiatives in the region, including the Philippines’ AlkanSSSya program for the self-employed; Malaysia’s mobile applications that offer on-demand benefits; Indonesia’s digital payment solutions; and Singapore’s digital ID system.

At the end of the summit, the ASSA is hoping to come up with a “sustainability pledge” to reflect the group’s collective resolve to address evolving challenges in the region, including climate change, rapidly aging population, and high informal sectors.

“With the strong leadership demonstrated today by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), I’m optimistic that ASSA will continue to drive transformative change benefiting both current and future generations, that is, move forward with renewed determination to build a more secure, inclusive, and resilient future,” said former ASSA Chairperson Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn in a separate press conference.

Meanwhile, National Health Security Office Intelligent Data Innovation Division data engineer Paweena Sremuang said data security is one of the challenges Thailand encounters in its big data management for universal healthcare services.

Sremuang disclosed that they are challenged by hackers just like any other country or companies that have all their clients’ information stored in online platforms or the cloud.

“But we also have the team to deal with the hacking 24 hours a day seven days a week, whole year round,” she said, apart from encrypting data in their systems.

Despite having the platform and system for data integration, there are still instances when data are not fully-integrated with relevant agencies and these data are under-utilized.

To ensure that no citizen is left behind for quality healthcare services, Sremuang said their national statistics department continues to collect data from residents in far-flung areas lacking internet connectivity.

“They collect data from birth to death by using a national ID card. So the local government will do the duty of correcting the data and register by hand if it is too remote but all in all, at the end, everything will be registered in the ID card and you can get the data if you want to,” she added.

The three-day conference at the Seda Manila Bay Hotel in Parañaque City features panel discussions, interactive sessions, and keynote messages from leading experts and ASEAN leaders.

The outcomes and recommendations from this event will contribute to the broader ASEAN agenda and generate actionable insights and strategies that will strengthen cooperation and drive forward the enhancement of social protection networks across the region.

It was attended by members of the Philippine Social Security Association, composed of the GSIS, Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office, Social Security System, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, Home Development Mutual Fund and Employees’ Compensation Commission.

ASSA comprises of social security institutions from ASEAN member states.

ASEAN social security institutions recognized for service excellence

MANILA, Philippines — Nineteen social security institutions across the ASEAN region on Tuesday received recognition at the ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) Recognition Awards 2024 for their innovations in service delivery and best practices.

The awards, presented during the 41st ASSA Meetings at the Seda Manila Bay Hotel, acknowledged excellence across seven categories: continuous improvement, customer service, information technology, innovation, insurance coverage, investment governance, and transformation.

Philippine institutions were recognized in several categories:

  • Government Service Insurance System (GSIS): Innovation Award for its Ginhawa for All Lease with Option to Buy Housing Program
  • Social Security System (SSS): Innovation Award for its e-Wheels Program
  • Employees’ Compensation Commission: Continuous Improvement Award for its Return-to-Work Assistance Program
  • Philippine Health Insurance Corporation: Continuous Improvement Award for Benefits Development Planning Protocol
  • Home Development Mutual Fund: Customer Service Award for Elevating the Customer Service Experience

Malaysia’s institutions earned three awards, while Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia each received two.

Brunei, Laos, Singapore, Myanmar and Vietnam were also recognized for their achievements in advancing social security systems.

One of the awardees is SSS’ e-Wheels, a program that includes mobile offices equipped with facilities to reach people in remote areas or places with no access to internet and technology.

“Mostly, these are the last mile communities. They have challenges about online facilities, about going to SSS,” SSS executive vice president Elvira Alcantara Resare said.

“Usually, they are the household helpers, tricycle drivers, usually those from the informal sector,” she added.

From January to September, the SSS has conducted 9,613 e-Wheels activities nationwide, accommodating over 989,000 transactions.

Resare said the sharing of best practices in social security among institutions during the meetings would benefit the SSS in improving their services.


“One of the challenges is ageing. Many people live long, so the challenge is contributions because bigger, more benefits must be provided,” she said.

Also cited was Brunei’s Employee Trust Fund’s (ETF) National Retirement Scheme.

The measure implemented a feature allowing members to nominate an administrator, who would manage and distribute their savings to the next of kin in the event of their passing.

“Usually what happens is when a member passes away, the family members [have] to find out who is the administrator. So, this can lead to difficult and lengthy procedures,” ETF Senior External Strategist Nur Shahreena Abdullah said.

“With this new feature, it actually allows the member to decide early,” she added.

Abdullah said Brunei, which will host the next ASSA meetings in 2025, is heading toward digitalization and keen to learning more best practices from its peers in the region.

“The discussions in this year’s meetings revolved around transformation, integration on IT, so it’s quite insightful to see all the ASSA members sharing their best practices on data information, artificial intelligence, and analytics— these are quite useful to Brunei,” Abdullah said.

The awards ceremony was part of the 41st ASSA Meetings, hosted by the Philippine Social Security Association through the GSIS and SSS.

During the event, GSIS President and General Manager Jose Arnulfo Veloso assumed the ASSA Chairpersonship.

“These recognitions reflect the collective commitment across ASEAN to strengthen social security systems,” said Veloso.

“Each institution brings unique innovations that contribute to our shared goal of better serving our respective communities.”

ASSA is a non-government organization that fosters collaboration among social security institutions in ASEAN member states. It was established to promote the development of social security systems that address the needs of diverse populations while aligning with national laws and regulations. 

ASEAN social security group names GSIS President as Chair

ASEAN social security group names GSIS President as Chair


MANILA — The ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) elected Government Service Insurance System President and General Manager Jose Arnulfo Veloso as its chairperson Tuesday.

Veloso will lead the organization’s efforts to integrate social security systems and improve service delivery across Southeast Asian nations.

“We gather at a pivotal moment when the nature of work, society and human connection is being reshaped by forces beyond our borders,” Veloso said. “Our mission to protect and empower the workers and families of ASEAN has never been more critical.”

The leadership transition took place during the 41st ASSA Meetings at Seda Manila Bay Hotel in Parañaque City, with more than 100 delegates attending.

Veloso succeeds Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn, CEO of Malaysia’s Employees Provident Fund, for the 2024-25 term. Haji Md Adfarul/Haji Maz Adanan of Brunei’s Employees Trust Fund is the new vice chairperson.

GSIS Senior Vice President Joseph Philip Andres will serve as secretary general, replacing Balqais Yusoff.

ASSA, a nongovernmental organization, promotes collaboration among social security institutions in ASEAN member states. Its members include institutions from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

During the meeting, 19 member institutions received recognition for best practices.

Philippine agencies earned five awards:

·         GSIS: Innovation Recognition Award for its Ginhawa for All housing program (Lease with Option to Buy);

·         Social Security System: Innovation Recognition Award for its e-Wheels Program;

·         Employees’ Compensation Commission: Continuous Improvement Recognition Award for its Return-to-Work program;

·         Philippine Health Insurance Corporation: Continuous Improvement Recognition Award for Benefits Development Planning Protocol; and


·         Home Development Mutual Fund: Customer Service Recognition Award for enhancing customer service experience.

1.3-T collective assets of ASSA members shape global
capital markets – GSIS chief

MANILA, Philippines – Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) President and General Manager Jose Arnulfo “Wick” Veloso on Monday said the USD1.3 trillion collective assets of the ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) members significantly shapes global capital markets.

At a press briefing after the opening of the 41st ASSA Conference and Board Meetings, Veloso emphasized that the economic vitality across ASEAN provides ASSA a strong foundation to enhance social security systems.

“The 1.3 trillion US dollars in collective assets under our management represents more than just financial strength. It positions us members as significant players in global capital markets and demonstrates our capacity to influence economic trends,” said Veloso, who also sits as ASSA vice chairperson.

He acknowledged the “tremendous responsibility” in securing these funds considering the rapid transformation of economies which can either bring more opportunities or challenges especially in digital economy.

“The rise of the digital economy, evolving employment patterns, and emerging social needs of our diverse populations demand our immediate attention. This is why our conference theme, ‘Navigating the Future of Social Security: Integration, Innovation, and Inclusion’ is particularly relevant,” Veloso said.

The gathering comes as ASEAN demonstrates remarkable economic resilience, with the Philippines projected to maintain its position as the region’s fastest-growing economy, expecting GDP growth of 5.8 to 6.3 percent in 2024.

This economic vitality provides a strong foundation for enhancing social security systems across the region.

ASSA Chairperson Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn said the series of meetings would help the body to determine where these investible funds are best deployed.

“Capital is best deployed when there is great knowledge about the needs of those that require capital and there is great knowledge surrounding how to manage the risks of investments as well,” Onn said.

ASSA, in its 26 years of existence, was founded in 1998 by seven institutions including the GSIS. The Philippines is set to take over the ASSA chairmanship this year.

Onn is confident that under Veloso, ASSA will continue to strengthen collaboration and sharing of knowledge to create stronger social security systems in the ASEAN region.

“And it is that spirit of partnership that defines us all and it gives me great confidence we have built very strong foundations over the past 26 years. I’m confident as we transition the chairmanship from Malaysia to the Philippines under the leadership of Vice Chairman Veloso, those foundations will continue to be strengthened for a very long time,” he said.

ASEAN chart future of social security at Manila Summit

MANILA, Philippines — Social security leaders from 10 Southeast Asian nations convened Monday for the 41st ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) Conference, highlighting their growing influence in global capital markets and commitment to enhanced social protection.

Philippine Treasurer Sharon Almanza opened the two-day summit at Seda Manila Bay Hotel on behalf of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. and Department of Finance Secretary Ralph Recto.

In the speech delivered by Almanza, President Marcos reaffirmed the Philippine governments’ commitment to a collective mission to build social security systems that meet the demands of today and reinforce the aspirations of the next generations.

“Our framework for progress rests on three vital pillars: integration, innovation, and inclusion. These principles must guide our decisions as we work to enhance social protection across Southeast Asia,” said President Marcos.

Almanza was joined by ASSA Chairperson Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn of Malaysia and incoming chairperson and GSIS President and General Manager Jose Arnulfo Veloso of the Philippines, as well as the members of the Philippine Social Security Association.

The gathering comes as ASEAN demonstrates remarkable economic resilience, with the Philippines projected to maintain its position as the region’s fastest-growing economy, expecting GDP growth of 5.8 to 6.3 percent in 2024. This economic vitality provides a strong foundation for enhancing social security systems across the region.

“The USD 1.3 trillion in collective assets under our management represents more than just financial strength – it positions ASSA members as significant players in global capital markets and demonstrates our capacity to influence economic trends,” Veloso said.

“More importantly, it reflects the tremendous responsibility we hold as stewards of our citizens’ social security funds,” he added.

The conference features 10 expert-led sessions addressing critical developments in social security administration, including sustainability strategies for civil pension systems, universal healthcare coverage through data analytics, technology-driven service delivery improvements, platform workers’ social protection, and voluntary healthcare schemes for self-employed workers.

The Philippines assumes ASSA chairmanship on Nov. 26, with Brunei Darussalam taking the vice chairmanship. The handover ceremony will recognize member institutions that have achieved significant reforms in social protection delivery, showcasing innovative solutions that put members and clients at the heart of service delivery.

“The Philippines’ vision of ‘Bagong Pilipinas’ resonates deeply with ASSA’s objectives of building more inclusive, innovative, and integrated social security systems,” Veloso added.

The initiative aligns with ASSA’s commitment to strengthening social protection frameworks across the region.

Onn said that among the ASEAN member states, only 46 percent of the population is covered by at least one social protection benefit, lower than the global average of 52 percent.

Equally concerning, he said, is that social protection expenditure in the region stands at just five percent of the GDP, lagging “far below global average”.

“These statistics highlight the urgent need to strengthen our social protection systems and expand coverage to ensure that no one is left behind,” Onn said.

Countries, he said, must address key challenges impacting the sustainability and effectiveness of social security systems in the ASEAN by tapping innovative approaches and strengthening regional cooperation.

“By deepening regional cooperation and integration, we can create a more robust and cohesive social security system across ASEAN,” he added.

ASSA, established as a regional cooperation platform for social security institutions, represents Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Member institutions collectively serve hundreds of millions of ASEAN citizens through comprehensive social protection programs.

The Philippine Social Security Association hosts this year’s conference, with organizational support from the GSIS and the Social Security System, marking the Philippines’ first hosting of the event in eight years.

Philippines to host 41st ASEAN Social Security Association Meetings

Manila (October 28, 2024) Strengthening social protection systems, expanding coverage to workers, and building more sustainable institutions take center stage as the Philippines hosts the 41st ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) Meetings from November 25 to 27, 2024, the Government Service Insurance System said.   The 41st ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) Meetings will convene industry leaders and representatives from social security institutions across ASEAN member states to advance the region’s commitment to a more comprehensive and inclusive social protection framework. The meeting agenda focuses on the mega trends faced by the industry, the empowering role of technology, and the implementation of comprehensive approaches to social security within the ASEAN region. GSIS President and General Manager and Vice Chairman of ASSA Jose Arnulfo Veloso emphasized the importance of the upcoming meeting, stating, “As the ASEAN continues to grow as a vital region for economic progress, it is our privilege to host this significant conference alongside SSS and PhilSSA members. This event represents a unique opportunity to showcase our leadership in shaping regional social security policies and provides a platform for meaningful exchanges among ASEAN nations — an essential step towards building a future wherein the social security system across the region is inclusive and equipped to protect every worker.” He added, “Manila offers a vibrant setting that combines rich culture and warm hospitality, ideal for fostering dialogue and sharing best practices among the delegates. As we prepare to welcome our esteemed delegates, let us all work together to leave a lasting impact and make this event an inspiring success.”   Preparations are underway to accommodate the expected influx of international delegates, with local authorities and event organizers working in close partnership to ensure the success of the event. The meeting is expected to bolster the Philippines’s role as a key player in regional collaboration, enhancing the integration and effectiveness of social security systems across Southeast Asia.   The 41st ASSA Meetings will feature panel discussions, interactive sessions and keynote messages from leading experts and ASEAN leaders. The outcomes and recommendations from this event will contribute to the broader ASEAN agenda and generate actionable insights and strategies that will strengthen cooperation and drive forward the enhancement of social protection networks across the region.   The Philippine Social Security Association (PhilSSA) is composed of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), Social Security System (SSS), Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund) and Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC).


Here, visitors will find information on past and future conferences organized or supported by ASSA. Each conference listing includes details such as the theme, date, location, and a summary of objectives and key outcomes. For forthcoming conferences, this section offers information on participation, including calls for papers, registration guidance, and preliminary schedules.

Media Center

Aimed at journalists and media professionals, the Press section compiles press releases, news articles, and multimedia content related to ASSA’s activities, events, and achievements. It provides contact details for ASSA’s press office, facilitating media inquiries and ensuring that updates about ASSA’s work are readily available to the public.


The Philippines, an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands, is known for its rich cultural diversity, vibrant history, and warm hospitality. Its people, often described as resilient and cheerful, take pride in their deep sense of community, which is reflected in colorful festivals, culinary traditions, and a shared love for music. From the iconic Banaue Rice Terraces in the north to the pristine beaches of Palawan and Boracay, the Philippines offers a wide array of travel experiences, whether you’re seeking adventure or relaxation. The blend of indigenous traditions, Spanish colonial influences, and modernity makes the country a fascinating destination for cultural immersion.

Manila, the capital, serves as the Philippines’ bustling economic and cultural hub. As a venue for the 41st ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) meetings, the city offers a mix of business and leisure activities. Professionals attending the meetings will find Manila well-equipped for large-scale conferences, with world-class hotels, event spaces, and modern infrastructure. Beyond business, the city provides visitors with glimpses of its storied past, from historic sites like Intramuros, the walled city from the Spanish era, to the National Museum, which showcases the country’s rich cultural heritage. Attendees can easily explore these cultural landmarks during their stay, while enjoying the capital’s dynamic urban energy.

About the Logo and Theme

The theme for the 41st ASSA meetings is “Navigating the Future of Social Security in ASEAN: Integration, Innovation, and Inclusion.”

This theme underscores a forward-looking approach to social security in the ASEAN region, emphasizing the integration of international financial reporting standards to boost transparency and comparability. It also highlights the adoption of cybersecurity measures to safeguard data and digital infrastructure, and the significance of sustainable investing to secure the long-term viability of social security funds. Further, the theme addresses the need for innovative solutions to meet the challenges faced by vulnerable workers and the importance of ensuring portability of benefits for cross-border protection.

The logo for the 41st ASSA meeting features the numeral “41,” shaped like a vinta, a traditional boat representing the shared cultural heritage of Southeast Asia.

The vinta embodies the ASEAN spirit of unity and diversity, symbolizing the collective journey of member states toward common goals in social security. The colorful sails represent the convergence of ASEAN nations, moving forward together.

“ASSA MEETING” is displayed in a clear, modern typeface below the “41st,” with blue text that complements the maritime theme. The logo captures the essence of ASEAN—tradition and modernity, diversity and unity—advancing together toward shared prosperity.

The 41st ASSA Meetings​

The Philippines is honored to host the 41st ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) meetings from November 25 to 27, 2024, under the auspices of the Philippine Social Security Association. This gathering in Manila will focus on the theme, “Navigating the Future of Social Security in ASEAN: Integration, Innovation, and Inclusion.”


As a member of ASSA, an alliance of social security institutions across Southeast Asia, the Philippines is committed to foster robust collaboration among member states. This year’s meetings are particularly significant as we seek to enhance our social security systems through mutual learning and shared experiences.


The conference will delve into critical issues affecting social security in our region, such as technological advancements, demographic changes, and economic shifts. Through a series of expert-led panels, workshops, and discussions, we aim to explore innovative solutions that address these challenges, with a keen focus on creating inclusive systems that serve all segments of society.


We invite our social security colleagues and stakeholders from across the ASEAN region to join us in these important discussions. Together, we can forge a path toward integrated and innovative social security practices that are not only effective but also inclusive, ensuring no one is left behind in our collective pursuit of regional development and prosperity.


         The theme for the 41st ASSA meetings is “Navigating the Future of Social Security in ASEAN: Integration, Innovation, and Inclusion.”

This theme underscores a forward-looking approach to social security in the ASEAN region, emphasizing the integration of international financial reporting standards to boost transparency and comparability. It also highlights the adoption of cybersecurity measures to safeguard data and digital infrastructure, and the significance of sustainable investing to secure the long-term viability of social security funds. Further, the theme addresses the need for innovative solutions to meet the challenges faced by vulnerable workers and the importance of ensuring portability of benefits for cross-border protection.

The logo for the 41st ASSA meeting features the numeral “41,” shaped like a vinta, a traditional boat representing the shared cultural heritage of Southeast Asia.

The vinta embodies the ASEAN spirit of unity and diversity, symbolizing the collective journey of member states toward common goals in social security. The colorful sails represent the convergence of ASEAN nations, moving forward together.

“ASSA MEETING” is displayed in a clear, modern typeface below the “41st,” with blue text that complements the maritime theme. The logo captures the essence of ASEAN—tradition and modernity, diversity and unity—advancing together toward shared prosperity.

Feedback and Suggestions

ASSA values feedback from its community. This part invites visitors to share their experiences, suggestions for improvement, or new ideas for initiatives through a dedicated email or an online feedback form. This input is crucial for ASSA’s continuous growth and effectiveness in promoting social security within the ASEAN region.

Contact Us

This section is dedicated to facilitating communication between ASSA and its stakeholders, including attendees, potential partners, press, and anyone interested in learning more about ASSA’s activities or seeking collaboration opportunities. It is structured to offer multiple channels for inquiries, feedback, and discussions.   Email:


Here, visitors will find information on past and future conferences organized or supported by ASSA. Each conference listing includes details such as the theme, date, location, and a summary of objectives and key outcomes. For forthcoming conferences, this section offers information on participation, including calls for papers, registration guidance, and preliminary schedules.

Media Center

Aimed at journalists and media professionals, the Press section compiles press releases, news articles, and multimedia content related to ASSA’s activities, events, and achievements. It provides contact details for ASSA’s press office, facilitating media inquiries and ensuring that updates about ASSA’s work are readily available to the public.


General Inquiries

For General Inquiries, please contact:

Maria Clarissa C. Magdaraog

Margie Jorillo

George S. Ongkeko Jr.

Victor Joseph C. Perez

Julee Mae B. Lascano


The Philippines, an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands, is known for its rich cultural diversity, vibrant history, and warm hospitality. Its people, often described as resilient and cheerful, take pride in their deep sense of community, which is reflected in colorful festivals, culinary traditions, and a shared love for music. From the iconic Banaue Rice Terraces in the north to the pristine beaches of Palawan and Boracay, the Philippines offers a wide array of travel experiences, whether you’re seeking adventure or relaxation. The blend of indigenous traditions, Spanish colonial influences, and modernity makes the country a fascinating destination for cultural immersion. Manila, the capital, serves as the Philippines’ bustling economic and cultural hub. As a venue for the 41st ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) meetings, the city offers a mix of business and leisure activities. Professionals attending the meetings will find Manila well-equipped for large-scale conferences, with world-class hotels, event spaces, and modern infrastructure. Beyond business, the city provides visitors with glimpses of its storied past, from historic sites like Intramuros, the walled city from the Spanish era, to the National Museum, which showcases the country’s rich cultural heritage. Attendees can easily explore these cultural landmarks during their stay, while enjoying the capital’s dynamic urban energy.

The 41st ASSA Meetings

The Philippines is honored to host the 41st ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) meetings from November 25 to 27, 2024, under the auspices of the Philippine Social Security Association. This gathering in Manila will focus on the theme, “Navigating the Future of Social Security in ASEAN: Integration, Innovation, and Inclusion.”


As a member of ASSA, an alliance of social security institutions across Southeast Asia, the Philippines is committed to foster robust collaboration among member states. This year’s meetings are particularly significant as we seek to enhance our social security systems through mutual learning and shared experiences.


The conference will delve into critical issues affecting social security in our region, such as technological advancements, demographic changes, and economic shifts. Through a series of expert-led panels, workshops, and discussions, we aim to explore innovative solutions that address these challenges, with a keen focus on creating inclusive systems that serve all segments of society.


We invite our social security colleagues and stakeholders from across the ASEAN region to join us in these important discussions. Together, we can forge a path toward integrated and innovative social security practices that are not only effective but also inclusive, ensuring no one is left behind in our collective pursuit of regional development and prosperity.

Previous ASSA Meetings







Navigating the Future of Social Security: Integration, Innovation, and Inclusion.


Kuala Lumpur​

Embracing Diversity, Building a Shared Future/Celebrating ASEAN Social Security Association’s Silver Jubilee


Luang Prabang

Partnering and Mobilising Social Justice for Sustainable Financing of Social Security Systems towards Universal Social Protection


The Virtual 38th ASSA Board Meeting



Expanding Social Security Coverage


Brunei Darussalam


ICT: Empowering Innovative Social Security


The ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) plays a crucial role in advancing social security in the ASEAN region through strategic partnerships with various organizations, government bodies, and international entities. These partnerships are instrumental in achieving ASSA’s objectives and enhancing social security systems across member countries. Here are some key aspects of these partnerships:

Role and Contributions of Strategic Partnerships

  1. International Collaboration
    ASSA collaborates with international organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) to develop guidelines and frameworks that enhance social security systems. For example, the ILO’s TRIANGLE in ASEAN program supports the development of ASEAN Guidelines on Portability of Social Security Benefits for Migrant Workers, which helps in addressing the social security needs of migrant workers across the region.

  1. Government and Inter-agency Coordination
    Effective social protection in ASEAN requires improved coordination among various ministries and agencies. ASSA’s partnerships facilitate the adoption of national social protection strategies and the consolidation of existing schemes into national systems. This coordination helps in risk pooling and redistribution, which are essential for the sustainability of social insurance funds.

  1. Regional Projects and Initiatives
    ASSA engages in regional projects such as social safety nets and micro-insurance schemes. These projects often involve partnerships with countries such as Australia and focus on areas including subsidized housing and tax incentives for hiring disabled individuals. These initiatives aim to strengthen social protection systems and address specific social issues in the region.

  1. Capacity Building and Training
    Through partnerships, ASSA organizes training and capacity-building activities for ASEAN member states. These activities focus on building negotiation skills for bilateral social security agreements, thereby enhancing the ability of member states to implement regional guidelines effectively.

  1. Engagement with Social Partners
    The success of social protection schemes heavily relies on the participation of social partners in their design, implementation, and evaluation. ASSA’s partnerships with social partners help raise awareness, secure compliance, and improve accountability and transparency in social security programs.

  1. Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs)
    ASSA has formalized its collaborations through agreements such as the Memorandum of Understanding with the International Social Security Association (ISSA). These agreements aim to foster cooperation and share best practices in social security administration.

These strategic partnerships are vital for ASSA’s mission to enhance social security across the ASEAN region, ensuring that social protection systems are robust, inclusive, and capable of addressing the diverse needs of the population.



The theme for the 41st ASSA meetings is “Navigating the Future of Social Security in ASEAN: Integration, Innovation, and Inclusion.” This theme underscores a forward-looking approach to social security in the ASEAN region, emphasizing the integration of international financial reporting standards to boost transparency and comparability. It also highlights the adoption of cybersecurity measures to safeguard data and digital infrastructure, and the significance of sustainable investing to secure the long-term viability of social security funds. Further, the theme addresses the need for innovative solutions to meet the challenges faced by vulnerable workers and the importance of ensuring portability of benefits for cross-border protection. The logo for the 41st ASSA meeting features the numeral “41,” shaped like a vinta, a traditional boat representing the shared cultural heritage of Southeast Asia. The vinta embodies the ASEAN spirit of unity and diversity, symbolizing the collective journey of member states toward common goals in social security. The colorful sails represent the convergence of ASEAN nations, moving forward together. “ASSA MEETING” is displayed in a clear, modern typeface below the “41st,” with blue text that complements the maritime theme. The logo captures the essence of ASEAN—tradition and modernity, diversity and unity—advancing together toward shared prosperity.


        The ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) was established on February 13, 1998 upon the proposal of the Indonesian National Social Security Association. It paves the way for regional cooperation among ASEAN social security organizations and lays the groundwork for collaborations. ASSA serves as a venue for member institutions to exchange best practices and enhance their ability to respond to the needs of stakeholders. It promotes knowledge sharing and capacity building through workshops, conferences, and other activities. ASSA supports policies that expand social security access, especially for vulnerable citizens. Through these efforts, ASSA contributes to creating a more inclusive and resilient ASEAN community, where everyone can seek support. For more information… Visit”